Peer Review Policy

Social Science Review Archives (SSRA) adheres to a rigorous and transparent peer-review process to ensure the quality, originality, and scholarly contribution of published articles. This policy outlines the principles and procedures for reviewers and authors involved in the review process.

Review Process:

  • Double-blind review: All manuscripts submitted to SSRA undergo a double-blind review process. Author identities are concealed from reviewers, and reviewer identities are concealed from authors. This ensures unbiased and objective evaluation.
  • Reviewer selection: Editors carefully select reviewers with expertise in the specific research area of the submitted manuscript. Reviewers are chosen based on their publications, research experience, and knowledge of the relevant field.
  • Review criteria: Reviewers assess manuscripts based on the following criteria:
    • Originality and contribution to the field
    • Soundness of research methodology and data analysis
    • Clarity and coherence of writing and argument
    • Significance and implications of findings
    • Ethical considerations
  • Review reports: Reviewers provide detailed and constructive feedback to authors. Reports highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and specific suggestions for improvement.
  • Decision-making: The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on publication based on the reviewers' recommendations and the overall assessment of the manuscript.

Responsibilities of Reviewers:

  • Reviewers are expected to:
    • Maintain confidentiality of the review process and submitted manuscripts.
    • Provide objective and fair evaluation based on the review criteria.
    • Offer constructive and specific feedback to authors.
    • Declare any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from reviewing if necessary.
    • Respect the intellectual property of authors.
    • Respond to any requests for clarification from the editor in a timely manner.

Responsibilities of Authors:

  • Authors are expected to:
    • Submit original and unpublished manuscripts that adhere to the journal's submission guidelines.
    • Respond to reviewers' comments in a professional and respectful manner.
    • Address the criticisms and suggestions raised by reviewers in a revised manuscript.
    • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
    • Cooperate with the editor and reviewers throughout the review process.


  • Authors may be invited to revise their manuscript based on reviewers' feedback. Revised manuscripts must address the raised concerns and demonstrate significant improvement. The editor ultimately decides whether the revised manuscript is suitable for publication.


  • Authors may appeal the editorial decision if they believe there were significant errors in the review process. Appeals must be submitted in writing and address specific concerns. The Editor-in-Chief will review the appeal and make a final decision.


  • All information related to the review process is treated confidentially. This includes reviewer identities, author identities, and manuscript content.


  • SSRA is committed to transparency in the peer-review process. We will publish reviewer guidelines and anonymize reviewer comments where possible.