Licensing Policy

1. Open Access and Copyright

The Social Science Review Archives (SSRA) is committed to promoting open access and knowledge sharing in the social sciences. This policy outlines the copyright and licensing terms for materials hosted within the SSRA.

  • Authors retain copyright of their published works in the SSRA.
  • First publication rights are granted to the SSRA.
  • Authors are encouraged to make their work open access by assigning a Creative Commons license to their published articles.

2. Recommended Licenses

SSRA recommends authors use one of the following Creative Commons licenses:

  • CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial): This allows users to share and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes, as long as they give appropriate credit and do not use the work for commercial gain.
  • CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives): This allows users to share the work as long as they give appropriate credit and do not use it for commercial gain, but it does not allow users to make any changes to the work.

3. Archiving and Sharing

Authors who choose to grant an open access license to their work can:

  • Deposit their accepted manuscript or published article in institutional or centrally organized repositories without requiring permission from the SSRA.
  • Make their work publicly available immediately upon acceptance and publication.
  • Include a link to the original SSRA publication in their repository record.

4. Use of Non-Open Access Materials

Materials in the SSRA that are not openly licensed may have different copyright restrictions. Users must carefully review the copyright information associated with each item before using or reproducing it. Permission from the copyright holder may be required for certain uses.