Pakistan and United States Relation: Post 9/11 Challenges


  • Imran Khan Department of International Relations Qurtaba University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar.
  • Ummul Ikram Kazmi Subject Specialist Pakistan Studies GGHSS Bagh Pur Dehri.
  • Attia Shah Lecturer Department of Political Science and Pakistan Studies University of Malakand
  • Sher Hassan Lecturer Department of Political Science University of Malakand.



The United States and Pakistan have maintained an inconsistent diplomatic relationship since their first contacts occurred. The political alliance between the United States and Pakistan has gone through periods of agreement and disagreement regarding their important national objectives since their first interactions. After the September 11 attacks both nations enhanced their relationship which led to the elimination of both nuclear and democratic related sanctions against Pakistan. During the times when U.S. forces depended heavily on Pakistan to access Afghanistan the country succeeded in its objective of exiting global isolation to develop its economy. This made Pakistan a fundamental ally for the United States while American leaders appreciated its advantageous geography. The partnership between the countries did not result in enduring mutual commitment. Various book materials together with academic papers and newspaper reports serve as the foundation for this research which identifies post-9/11 U.S.-Pakistan relationship obstacles. The study investigates six critical issues pertaining to drone warfare in addition to studying the Kerry-Lugar bill and insurgency matters while evaluating the Raymond Davis incident and death of Osama bin Laden and nuclear risks. This paper focuses on explaining the key obstacles that appeared after 9/11 in the U.S.-Pakistan relations. The United States enacted increasingly demanding policies against Pakistan after war affected the nation which triggered an escalating blame game and increasing mistrust between the two countries. Multiple strategic proposals by the research aim to improve the bilateral connection while building a win-win relationship to sustain long-term cooperation between both nations.




How to Cite

Imran Khan, Ummul Ikram Kazmi, Attia Shah, & Sher Hassan. (2025). Pakistan and United States Relation: Post 9/11 Challenges. Social Science Review Archives, 3(1), 1873–1883.