Relationship Between Youth’s Career Indecision with State of Career Counselling Services in Universities of Pakistan


  • Syeda Kinza ul Emman MPhil Scholar, Faculty of Contemporary Studies, National Defense University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Dr Shahzad Hussain Professor and Chairperson Department of Public Policy and Governance, GC Lahore, Pakistan



This qualitative study employed career development theories to examine the relationship between youth career indecision and career counseling services in the context of universities students of Pakistan specifically Islamabad. This research work explores the factors of youth career indecision such as, influence of family and friends, occupational career barriers, environmental factors, cultural imperatives and its impact on youth career decision making. Semi-structured interviews were conducted from twenty participants from the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, through the use of purposive sampling method. By utilizing a qualitative research methodology, MaxQDA software was used to generate themes from the data. These themes revealed that we need to educate our society and parents, career counseling should be started at initial stages of schooling and government should take some major steps for it. Furthermore, results of this study can help in formulating effective counseling services at universities of Pakistan. Parents, youth and policy makers would also be benefitted by the findings of this study. Several recommendation and implications are also mentioned at the end. Given the exploratory nature of this study’s findings, further studies need to be conducted with a large representative sample of students.




How to Cite

Syeda Kinza ul Emman, & Dr Shahzad Hussain. (2025). Relationship Between Youth’s Career Indecision with State of Career Counselling Services in Universities of Pakistan. Social Science Review Archives, 3(1), 1774–1799.