The effectiveness of game-based learning in improving fractions mastery among 5th-grade students, comparing it with traditional teaching methods.


  • Muhammad Ismaiel PhD Math’s scholar UOH KPK Pakistan
  • Qazi Abdul Rauf MPhil Economics CEO Heritage Group of Collages Pakistan
  • Robina Bibi EPM education department AIOU Attock Campus
  • Rizwana Siddique MPhil Math’s University of Lakki Marwat KPK Pakistan
  • Shujaat Ali Master in Mathematics, CTIT Computer technologist UOH KPK



This study examines the effectiveness of game-based learning (GBL) in improving fractions mastery among 5th-grade students, comparing it with traditional teaching methods. A group of 60 students was divided into a control group, which followed traditional instruction, and an experimental group, which used game-based learning to learn fractions. Pre- and post-tests were administered to measure computational and conceptual understanding of fractions. The results revealed that the experimental group showed significantly greater improvement in both computational and conceptual understanding compared to the control group. Game-based learning not only enhanced students' mathematical performance but also increased engagement and motivation, suggesting that this approach may be particularly effective in teaching abstract mathematical concepts like fractions. The findings are consistent with prior research on the benefits of GBL and indicate its potential for improving math education outcomes.




How to Cite

Muhammad Ismaiel, Qazi Abdul Rauf, Robina Bibi, Rizwana Siddique, & Shujaat Ali. (2025). The effectiveness of game-based learning in improving fractions mastery among 5th-grade students, comparing it with traditional teaching methods. Social Science Review Archives, 3(1), 1240–1251.