Kamila Shamsie’s Novel Salt and Saffron as a Counter Discourse


  • Abdul Haq Nawaz Visiting Lecturer, University of Poonch, Rawalakot, AJK, Email: abdulhaquenawaz@gmail.com




Counter-Discourse, Nationalism, Globalization, Resistance, Colonialism


South Asian literature, with its many languages, cultures, and histories, serves as a counter-discourse to prevailing narratives of colonialism, nationalism, and globalization.
South Asian literary work explores identity, power, and resistance across multiple languages and genres. Writers from the subcontinent and diaspora have challenged colonial ideologies, postcolonial nationalism, and global capitalism. South Asian literature constantly explores the impact of globalization and neoliberal profitable programs on original communities. Qualitative research methodologies allow for a culturally sensitive approach, which is essential when dealing with varied and historically complicated topics such as South Asian literature. The novel's exploration of identity, memory, and history serves as a counter-example to the reductionist portrayal of South Asia in global media and academia. South Asian literature, particularly the works of Kamila Shamsie, offers a significant Counter-discursive arena that challenges global narratives about the region.




How to Cite

Abdul Haq Nawaz. (2025). Kamila Shamsie’s Novel Salt and Saffron as a Counter Discourse. Social Science Review Archives, 3(1), 743–750. https://doi.org/10.70670/sra.v3i1.359