Exploring Health and Nutrition Practices for Toddlers in Pakistan: A Qualitative Study
Toddler Nutrition, Urban-Rural Disparities, Healthcare Access, Socio-Economic Status, Pakistan.Abstract
This study aimed to explore the health and nutrition practices for toddlers in Lahore District, focusing on urban and rural settings, to identify disparities in toddler nutrition and health outcomes based on socio-economic, cultural, and healthcare access factors. Nutrition during the early years is critical for child development. In Pakistan, urban-rural disparities in healthcare access and nutrition practices can significantly impact toddler health. Understanding these differences is vital for developing targeted interventions. A qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews with 30 caregivers (15 from urban areas and 15 from rural areas). Thematic analysis was used to examine nutritional practices, healthcare access, and socio-economic influences on toddler health. The study found significant differences between urban and rural areas in nutrition practices, healthcare access, and socio-economic factors. Urban caregivers had better access to healthcare and diverse food options, while rural caregivers faced financial constraints and relied on traditional foods. The study recommends improving healthcare infrastructure in rural areas, raising awareness about toddler nutrition, addressing socio-economic barriers, and implementing community-based interventions.