How do mass media and ICT compare and overlap in development communication?


  • Masood Khattak PhD Scholar Department of Mass communication of Peshawar University
  • Marium Marwat MS Scholar of Agriculture University of Peshawar
  • Atif Khalid MS Scholar of University of Peshawar


In the 1960s and 1970s, electronic media spread quickly around the world. This led to what is now known as the "information explosion." The idea of using mass media came from the belief that media had a huge impact on how people conducted themselves.Communication experts said that the media should be used to spread technology more quickly. The media was seen by some communication experts as a "magical multiplier," while others saw it as the perfect "lubricant" for growth. This is where the media affects factors connected to modernization and economic growth.The goal of the study is to look into the long-lasting connections between ICT (information and communication technology), which includes media, telecommunications, and computers and information systems, and economic growth, social and culture change. In the past, researchers who looked into ICT and social change used measures of who owned, had access to, used, and owned different kinds of technology to figure out how important and influential they were on society. The way we evaluate new media and ICT today needs to better represent how participatory, social, interactive, and performative they really are. It is the amount of users and sources that an ICT resource makes available that is called its breadth. The unique thing about internet-based information sources is that they offer a huge range of documentary and interpersonal resources linked together in a way that lets users find and retrieve information in an infinite number of ways, depending on their current interests and preferences.The interactive nature of media today makes it a much more interesting and rich place for social change and activity, but it also brings up a lot of new policy issues for experts to think about. The media industry's attempts to keep and grow old business models and regulatory frameworks has been one of the most complicated effects of the switch from mass media to new media.


Communication, ICT, digitization, information explosion, interactive media, convergence, decentralization, and privatization are all terms used to describe development.




How to Cite

Masood Khattak, Marium Marwat, & Atif Khalid. (2024). How do mass media and ICT compare and overlap in development communication?. Social Science Review Archives, 1(4), 28–34. Retrieved from