Globalization isn't the only thing that's changing the world right now, but if there is a North Star and a force that shapes the whole world, it is this system. .


  • Irfan Khan Phd Scholar Department of strategic department of Behria University
  • Kashan khan MS Scholar of Behria University
  • Kashaf wahab MS Scholar department Geophysics of University of Peshawar


The above Friedman quote shows how important the culture and technological forces are that are changing the world right now. According to the truth, Friedman is just one of many commentators and experts who have talked about how globalization and informationization have changed politics, business, society, and maybe even the basic rules of social order. In the "New International Information Order," communities and cultures have to take part, but how they do so depends on social, cultural, political, and economic factors. As a form of communication in and of itself, this complicated, multilayered process of bridging the global and the local can change both the setting and the nature of cross-cultural encounters.

Keywords- technological forces, globalization and informationization, New International Information Order.




How to Cite

Irfan Khan, Kashan khan, & Kashaf wahab. (2024). Globalization isn’t the only thing that’s changing the world right now, but if there is a North Star and a force that shapes the whole world, it is this system. . Social Science Review Archives, 1(4), 1–10. Retrieved from