Examining the interplay Between Academic Motivation, Writing Anxiety and Writing Proficiency of Pakistani ESL Learners: A Correlational Analysis


  • Muhammad Nusrat University of Education, Lahore, Email: bobydaultana@gmail.com
  • Muhmmad Jawad National University of Modern Language Islamabad, Email jrajai926@gmail.com
  • Hira Fatima MS Graduate, Government College University, Lahore Email: bhattihira2@gmail.com
  • Muhammad Yaseen BS English From University of Malakand. dryaseen515@gmail.com
  • Zafar Nazeer Awan MPhil in Applied Linguistics Hazara University Mansehra
  • Javeria Siraj Ph.D Scholar, IOBM, AGA Khan University-ied Karachi, Email javeriasiraj@yahoo.com




The purpose of the present study was to investigate correlation between the motivation, writing anxiety, and writing proficiency among the Pakistani ESL learners. The research design was exclusively of the quantitative type. The population of the study comprised the active students of Department of Animal Husbandry and Nutrition in University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Of the target population, a sample of hundred students was randomly selected using simple random sampling technique in which both boys and girls were included in equal proportions. The interactive data on motivation and writing anxiety was collected by two questionnaires namely the AWMQ (Academic Writing Motivation Questionnaire) (Payne, 2012) and the SLWAI (Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory) (Cheng, 2004). Writing test was adopted to assess writing ability among the students. Students’ essays were assessed with the help of IELTS rubrics writing task 2. The data collected were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Thus, while analysing the correlation value of the variables under consideration the Pearson correlation was used. The findings that are evident in the study were as follows; with a correlation value of r=.914, motivation positively correlates with writing competence, whereas writing anxiety negatively correlates with writing proficiency (r=-.721). Type of anxiety recognized for existing in high level among students is the cognitive anxiety. Therefore, the results of the study have significant implications for L2 teaching.




How to Cite

Muhammad Nusrat, Muhmmad Jawad, Hira Fatima, Muhammad Yaseen, Zafar Nazeer Awan, & Javeria Siraj. (2024). Examining the interplay Between Academic Motivation, Writing Anxiety and Writing Proficiency of Pakistani ESL Learners: A Correlational Analysis. Social Science Review Archives, 2(2), 1645–1657. https://doi.org/10.70670/sra.v2i2.222